Friday, May 28, 2010

Aliens & Politics

You know what the most unrealistic part of STAR TREK is?

Not the transporter. Or the faster-than-light "warp" drive. Hell, not even Shatner's hair (in the later films). No, for me the most unrealistic part of TREK has to do with the politics.

Or rather, the lack thereof.

See, in Sci-fi (TREK is really guilty of this) when humans encounter various alien races, 99.999% of the time that race is "united." By that I mean, when an alien or human is asked where they’re from they say things like "I'm from Earth" or "I'm from Vulcan."

What they don't say is "I'm from the United States, on Earth."

They don't say stuff like that because in the realm of TREK, we've moved past trivial things like "countries." Our planet is unified under a single government. Here on Earth (right now) most people are freaked out by such a proposition. Conservative talk-radio is brimming with wackos who warn of the coming "one world government."

I for one welcome a unified "human" government. I think it would be great to have one centralized planetary government. I also think Communism is a fantastic way to run things, too. If we were all Borg (or Droids) a single, planet-wide government would solve everything.

However, people are corrupt, selfish, and downright evil. So Communism or a Single Government will never work. I mean, just imagine the pork of a one world government!

By "pork" I refer to the practice politicians have where they try to "bring home" government money to help their region--even if they don't really need it. Pork is used to curry favor with the electorate and win elections. It's also used to line their pockets.

Imagine if the representatives in this Planetary government were tasked with THE WORLD'S wealth. Where do you think that money’s going? Here’s a hint: not fucking Africa. Besides, look at Europe and all the problems they're having with the European Union! You think ALL the countries of the world can come together when a FEW can't?

Get real Roddenberry.

I Googled the term "Alien Politics" and this image came up...the Internet is a freaky place kids.

The idea of a single world-wide government is great, but I just don't see it ever working. Well, actually I guess it would work if all but one country was destroyed--but that's madness. And unless they ARE Borg/robots, I can't imagine a race of aliens that would be able to overcome this sort of political splintering either.

Now before you super-Trekkers jump my shit about things like the Klingon Civil War or the strife on Bajor--I realize that modern TREK does have shades of "real world" politics in it. But overall, in general...TREK portrays a Federation of Planets that could not AND WILL not exist. Not because there are no tribbles or impulse engines...but because people are greedy, self-centered, and untrustworthy.

Think I'm being cynical?

Hell, we have towns IN THIS COUNTRY that fight each other over water rights and boundary disputes. States argue too (see: THE CIVIL WAR). The Federal Government and the States don't even get along. Right now Arizona is passing all kinds of crazy fucking laws...

Anyway, I would LOVE for all of humanity to just BE. No boundaries or "opposing teams." I wish like hell there was only one single unit for human beings to belong. I wish people would say "I'm from Earth" and not "I'm from England." People should think bigger than themselves, but we can't and we won't.

It bums me out and ruins a lot of sci-fi for me.

Recently, Stephen Hawking issued a pretty dire warning to people regarding aliens. He basically said we should be afraid of aliens and try like hell to keep them from finding us. He suggests that any alien race capable of reaching us would be so advanced they'd probably consider us ants (and just assume step on us than talk to us).

I respect Professor Hawking (because he's the smartest man alive) but I have to disagree with him to an extent. I think we SHOULD fear aliens, but not because they might be "too smart" to deal with us. No, I think we should fear aliens because of all the stupid political parties/crazy religions they will no doubt be towing our way.

Imagine a space-version of Rush Limbaugh (six heads, four hands, eight eyes--but still no heart). Or how about laser-wielding missionaries for the Church of Zorg? Yikes. I think I'd rather kiss the Xenomorph from Aliens than listen to the Saucer-Men's thoughts/ideas on health care reform (or whatever).

E.T. please, whatever you do…don’t take me to your leader.

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