Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fools

Today is second of April, and by the time anyone reads this I’ll have been the victim of any number of devious pranks, mischievous jokes, and malicious trickery. I suppose I’ll have no one to blame but myself for falling for anything; after all, everyone should know that the biggest news of that introductory April day can never be trusted. Still, somehow I always fall for the gag. As luck would have it, I’m the guy who once said, “Really?” when a friend told me gullible was not listed in the dictionary.

I suppose my susceptibility comes from my being, by nature, an overly trusting person. A complete stranger behind a cash register will ask how I’m doing, and I’ll think, Wow, I’ve made a new friend, completely forgetting the fact that this person asks me that question strictly because his paycheck depends upon it. This is a fault which, I can only hope, will one day be remedied by years of built up cynicism, one April 1st after another.

Until then, I’ve resolved to lock myself away come April 1st, 2011. There will be no texting, no phone calls, no viewing of web pages or anything that might make me think, even for a second, Really?


Dr. Jason said...

Look, I like "having fun" as much as the next guy...but next to the whole St. Patty's Day "pinch fest," April Fools is the second most useless holiday.

I hate that all day I have to filter out all the crap "fake" news stories--and second guess legitimate ones. I also hate the fact that everyone and their mother is suddenly a comedian on April 1rst.

Man...this lady I work with was like "Hey Jason, what's that?" and she pointed at my elbow (actually she touched it). I was like "what?" To which she said "that" and pointed at my elbow again. I was like "My elbow???"

And then she told me the kicker: "Just kidding! April Fools!"

Now, I ask you...where was the joke there?

Dr. Jason said...

Wait, gullible's not in the dictionary?

Lrgblueeyes said...

I fall for everything too, I think its cause I'm to optimistic. There is not anything wrong with you for believing what people say, Its theirs for Lying, those Bastards.

Dr. Jason said...

Leah when I met you, I remember your entire family had you convinced that Jackalopes were real--do you remember that???


waliz said...

hi dr jason..tq for visiting and leaving a comment for my post..nice to know u..:)

Michael said...

Well, it's good to know that I'm not the only person who's an optimist, Leah! Thanks for having my back there. :-)

And, Jason, I think that story about your elbow on April Fools was just about the most random, funniest thing I've ever heard...

Dr. Jason said...

Mike, the elbow thing wasn't funny at the was awkward and WEIRD.

Unknown said...

Rest in peace, Limemonkey. You will be missed.

Dr. Jason said...

Not my post Skoad, but thanks for the sentiment.