Friday, July 2, 2010

I Want to Retire

So I'm employed once again, which has me dreaming of my retirement.

Hailing from a family of lower-middle class workaholics who laugh at the mere mention of the word "retirement," I'd never seriously considered doing it myself until recently. See, being unemployed sucked but it did show me that there can be more to life that chasing a paycheck. I got a TON of writing done, I became a better bread baker, and I started lifting weights.

Not so bad, right?

So Leah and I have a plan--okay, it's mostly my plan, but here it is:

I want to retire to Wyoming and raise Alpacas.

I know, I know...crazy right? But hear me out. The last summer vacation I took with my family (over 10 years ago) was to the American West. We went to South Dakota and Wyoming--and it was fantastic. Beautiful country, amazing animals, and most importantly FEW PEOPLE. Those of you who know me are aware that I'm a bit of a hermit, who would love nothing more than to just be left alone.

And friends, that's practically the State motto of Wyoming:

state-flag-wyoming copy

Now, the alpaca thing is bit more complicated. See, my wife and I love animals (okay, I like them--SHE loves them) and we've always wanted to live on a "farm." Well raising animals for meat is not something Leah is capable of doing. She knows it, I know it. There is no way she could ever part with a big 'ol friendly steer or chicken. Instead, our farm would quickly turn into a barnyard sanctuary. Alpacas are good because you don't raise them for meat (in this country) you raise them for their soft fur. They're cute and they're easy going animals. I can almost see us now: Grandma Leah shaving the Alpacas while I stand far back and tell her to be careful with the razor.

For my birthday last week, Leah took me to the Zoo where we pet an Alpaca. It was so soft and warm feeling. I like to call them "bunny-deer" because they a have rabbit heads. We saw one spit on this really annoying kid, it was an awesome birthday present (thanks Alpaca).

Anyway, now that I'm starting my new job, I'm going to be more responsible with my money. Instead of investing all my dough in CD's (music cd's) I'm going to start saving for my golden years. Down on the farm with Leah and the Alpacas.

BONUS: Check out this awesome business I found online. Maybe Leah and I can buy a franchise!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Alpacas, huh? That's an interesting idea. The most appealing part of your whole post is the notion of GETTING AWAY FROM PEOPLE. God, a hermit's life, surrounded by adorable animals... Sounds like a winning combination to me...